Perspective on Chios Island’s Inhospitable Landscape

Perspective on Chios Island’s Inhospitable Landscape

Perspective. This is the Greek island of Chios as I left on Saturday morning. Contrary to the lively capital, Chios Town, I saw how barren, inhospitable and sparsely populated the island is. A quick search says Chios has a population <31,500 people with 86% living...
A Tragedy You Probably Didn’t Hear About

A Tragedy You Probably Didn’t Hear About

Three little girls Asma (10), Yosru (6) and Mena (4) are laid to rest in these graves. The young sisters died in the Mediterranean on 8 April 2024. Their deaths are a tragedy you probably didn’t hear about? Their mama was one of 19 people rescued who survived the boat...
Food Pack Distribution to 1300 on Chios island, Greece

Food Pack Distribution to 1300 on Chios island, Greece

I’m on the Greek island of Chios to volunteer for a week with our partner Refugee Biriyani and Bananas (RBB). Ruhi, the RBB Founder/CEO, needed an extra van driver for the later part of the 10 day distribution and so I came to lend a hand. We started early...
Your Donations – Doubled and Delivered!

Your Donations – Doubled and Delivered!

How you Helped Us Smash our £50,000 Target We asked for your support and, once again, you delivered beyond expectations. During our Big Give Christmas Challenge an incredible 49 donations, ranging from £10 to £5,000, helped us raise £58,005 including Gift Aid. Thanks...
Discover how Cake Helps 100 People Find Peace

Discover how Cake Helps 100 People Find Peace

Today forRefugees CEO Amber and her husband Fred joined the Peace of Cake event at Bromley Reform Synagogue hosted on Mitzvah Day. Mitzvah is an annual event, based in the Jewish community but with many different faiths participating, focusing on performing good deeds...
forRefugees Joins BlueSky

forRefugees Joins BlueSky

At forRefugees our mission is rooted in humanity, hope and solidarity. That’s why we made the decision to leave the platform formerly known as Twitter in November 2022. As the platform’s direction under its new ownership became clear it no longer aligned with our...
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