One World Together for Refugees

We passionately support refugees because governments and large NGOs are failing to meet their basic human needs.

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Support our work by making a one-off or recurring donation to support men, women and children on the move across Europe.

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Give your personal goals more purpose with forRefugees. Together, we can create a brighter future for everyone.

"I'd like to say thank you for your daily support for us refugees, because we're happy every time we come to your structure. God bless you."

M from Somalia

A family sits inside a blue tent with open flaps; two adults and three children look at the camera. Trees are visible in the background. | Support refugees across Europe

Immediate relief, lasting change

ForRefugees is a UK charity (registered in England and Wales number 1168435) dedicated to helping humanitarian aid and targeted support be available to refugees when governments and large NGOs in Europe fail them. Through our on the ground partners, we ensure that refugees – men, women and children in urgent need – can access essential services, saving lives and laying the foundations for long-term recovery.

We raise ongoing funds to support projects that meet immediate needs, including food, clean water and shelter. We further help ensure particularly vulnerable individuals can access vital services including refuge, medical care, and legal support. In addition, we invest in education, community centres, and sports programmes understanding the importance of helping refugees rebuild resilience and begin healing from their trauma ready to start their new lives in a new country.

Meet our partners and join us in our mission by taking action today.

Measuring our impact

Since our start in 2016

fundraised and paid out in grants to grassroots partners across Europe.

men, women and children supported through our frontline partners.

partners worked with in the UK & Europe providing safety and support.

countries we’ve been active in, including Greece, France and the Balkans.

Support us today and be part of a refugee’s story of survival and recovery

What sets us apart


On the ground

We actively engage with our partners on the ground, volunteering with them whenever we can.


Local needs assessments

We respond to the needs of those on the ground, not impose an agenda from afar.


Long-term commitment

We stay committed to refugees on the move in Europe, focusing on the humans behind the headlines.


Constant collaboration

We are collaborative at our core and foster a uniquely supportive network among our partners.

Join us on TikTok

In our world of information and misinformation, come and join us on TikTok, for the leading human voice raising awareness of Europe’s refugee front lines.

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