Refugee Journeys

Stories of immense resilience from Europe’s Refugee Crisis

Real lives.
Real stories.

Within Europe’s Refugee Crisis are stories of immense resilience, endurance and hope. Each journey is unique, each person’s experience individual. We are privileged that several people who have become refugees have chosen to share their story exclusively here.

Merel Graeve Merel Graeve

B’s Journey from Afghanistan

Moving Stories - “I was born in Kandahar, a Southern province of Afghanistan. My mother is from Kabul and my father from the Kandahar region. They met when my father was in Kabul for work. It was a marriage of love, not an arranged marriage…

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Merel Graeve Merel Graeve

Haben’s Journey from Eritrea

I grew up in Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, with my family of five. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My mother worked at a market stall her whole life. Growing up we were a pretty normal family like everyone else in Eritrea - we’d go to school, come home and eat something and then we would go out and play football or swim in the river. I had a lot of friends and we would have sleep overs or hang out together.

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Merel Graeve Merel Graeve

Marie’s Journey from Cameroon

I come from the southern part of Cameroon which is the Anglophone part of the country. I come from a big family of siblings and step-siblings. My early childhood was a happy one, but when I was 11 my mother passed away and after that life was not so easy. My father remarried with a very dominating woman, and I had a hard time living under her rules.

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Merel Graeve Merel Graeve

Nima’s Journey from Iran

I was born in Tehran to a perfect family: my mother, father, sister and I have always been incredibly close. My parents did not have a good education but they were so open minded about everything. Though my father is a Sunni Muslim, and my mother is Shia, it was never an issue and they would always encourage me to think for myself.

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Merel Graeve Merel Graeve

Omid’s Journey from Afghanistan

I was born in Iran to an Afghan family, my parents fled from Afghanistan when the Taliban rose to power in the 90s. I was born as a refugee, and have essentially been a refugee my whole life. I have two sisters who are married and one little brother, I also had an older brother. It was never possible to gain full citizenship in Iran, every year we had to pay a lot of money just to renew our temporary refugee papers.

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Merel Graeve Merel Graeve

Ayman’s Journey from Syria

I grew up in Damascus in a middle class family, we had a normal life: I have a younger brother and a little sister, my mother was a housewife and my father worked as a clothing designer. The political situation in Syria was never perfect but we managed to live relatively carefree, and within my family we were happy.

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